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Become a sponsor, join the mission in spreading our cause and get some visibility for your brand!

We are a purpose driven project that is collecting funds to primarily cover our expenses to deliver more meaningful content! Please note that we select our partners carefully according to their mission statement and cause.


Thank you for your contribution! You are officially part of our supporters crew and will be publicly listed in our online patreons plaza. Thanks for your social commmitment to the plant cause.


You make a significant difference with your contribution which helps us to spread our cause! Amazing, many thanks for that! You’ll become officially listed in our Patreons plaza and get shoutouts and referrals from us in our newsletters!


Your commitment is instrumental in moving mountains and securing MJ’s freedom, rapidly spreading our message to millions. As a Gold Sponsor, you’ll enjoy prominent recognition across all our platforms, from our Patreons Plaza to newsletters and social media, featuring your logo.
In the documentary series, your support will be prominently acknowledged in opening and closing credits, further highlighting your name or logo placement. As an integral part of our mission, you’ll receive exclusive monthly production updates, gain exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content, filmmaker interviews, and the documentary’s premiere, along with other special events.
To celebrate our collaboration, Lucky and Luke will visit your headquarters for an exclusive board photoshoot and host a private teaser screening about our project.
Thank you for being a vital part of our cause!


You are truly indispensable to our mission, and your alignment with our cause resonates powerfully with our audience. Your unwavering support goes above and beyond!
In addition to the previously mentioned benefits, your diamond experience includes an exclusive private screening at your headquarters, with the presence of Lucky and Luke (if in Europe). You’ll have the privilege of viewing the documentary content before its public release and engage in an enriching Q&A session with them.
Moreover, as a valued partner, you’ll enjoy monthly one-on-one video calls with the director, opportunities to visit the set during filming, and even the chance to be featured in a segment of the documentary (if it aligns with our project and values).
To enhance your brand’s impact, you’ll gain exclusive access to select plant stock footage, and we’ll craft a compelling image video for your company (if located in Europe).
Thank you for your incredible support and dedication to our cause!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us- Gandalf

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