French Border Police, Weed & Magic Mushrooms

Nov 23


I recount my recent bus trip through France from Barcelona, which took an unexpected turn when I found myself in the clutches of the French border police. From carrying weed gifted by friends to being questioned about magic mushrooms, this first part of my tale unravels the events that transpired during a routine check, showcasing the human side of an often intimidating encounter.

An Unsettling Stop:

As I made my way from Spain, carrying some weed given to me by self-cultivating friends and patients, I realized that a peaceful sleep during the long 13-hour bus ride was essential. To aid my slumber, I decided to vape before boarding the bus. Little did I know that this decision would soon throw me into a series of unforeseen events.

A Routine Check by the Border Police:

Midway through the journey, the bus suddenly made an unexpected stop. We were informed that it was a routine check by the border police. Panic surged through my mind as I contemplated hiding my stash. Hastily, I tucked my belongings inside my eating bag. Soon, all passengers were required to disembark, standing two meters apart with luggage in hand.

The Discovery:

We found ourselves obliged to open our bags for inspection. I carried a large suitcase, a daypack, and a film backpack. Deep down, I knew somewhere within my vast luggage lay a little bag containing hemp tea, caramelized seeds, remnants of the Spanish weed, and magic mushrooms intended for a future outing with friends at a nearby lake.

An Unexpected Encounter with the Police:

Facing the towering presence of a friendly police officer, I attempted to remain calm. After all, my rationale was that these were just plants for personal use, and surely, they wouldn’t search every nook and cranny. Alas, my assumptions were proven wrong. They had all the time in the world, and it wasn’t long before the officer discovered my incriminating little bag. To clarify its contents, he held up the sustainable paper bag containing the magic mushrooms and asked, “What is this?” Thinking quickly, I replied, “It’s for cooking.”

The Arrival of the Boss:

A sense of tension swept over me as a determined blonde policewoman, presumably the superior, appeared on the scene. It was clear she was not willing to let this encounter end without a significant discovery. As the atmosphere grew increasingly strained, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of anxiety wash over me.

Hemp, a dietary supplement

Lucky, being blissfully unaware of the situation, decided it was the perfect time to relieve himself and enjoy a leisurely walk in the grass. While he was happily occupied, I found myself dealing with the police officers.

Explaining to the officers that Lucky’s diet included hemp proteins and other supplements prescribed by his vet turned out to be quite amusing. Even though my French was a bit rusty, I managed to convey the message and felt fortunate to educate the officers about the benefits of hemp as a valuable dietary supplement for pets. It was clear that they hadn’t encountered such information before, and I was glad to shed some light on the subject.

The Forgotten Surprise in My Fanny Pack:

In the midst of the unfolding drama, I also realized that my little fanny pack, nestled securely on my person, contained my vaporizer. And, to my forgetfulness, rolled up within a tiny piece of paper, a minuscule hash stone. The first officer, seeking further evidence, requested my fanny pack, leading to another discovery. He stepped aside, eager to share his findings with his colleagues.

The Awkward Wait:

While the other passengers had long finished their inspections and settled back on the bus, I found myself languishing in the wake of my own predicament. Guilt crept over me as I considered the inconvenience caused to everyone waiting for me. As the early morning light cast a haze over my small, tired eyes, curiosity mingled with trepidation regarding what lay ahead.

A CBD Debate:

Delving further into their search, the officers unearthed more weed in the same bag where they had found the magic mushrooms. They questioned if it was indeed weed. Maintaining my composure, I calmly explained that it was CBD weed, intended for therapeutic purposes. Their request for a receipt caught me off guard. In a mixture of annoyance and surprise, I responded, “Why should I have a receipt? Do you carry around your receipts?” I proceeded to share that I acquired the CBD weed at a cannabis fair in Barcelona, offering to provide evidence through my documentary on YouTube and my social media platforms.

A Moment of Unexpected Laughter:

Amidst the mounting tension, an unforeseen exchange occurred. The female police chief, holding the bag of magic mushrooms, inquired about their purpose. Light-heartedly, I replied, “They’re something to eat.” With a touch of irony, the fellow officer chimed in, asking if I planned to have them with eggs. Playing along, I responded, “Yeah, but don’t forget the onions and tomatoes.” To my surprise, laughter erupted, briefly alleviating the tension that had enveloped us all.

Testing the Cannabis:

As the tension grew, the first officer informed me that they were about to test my cannabis. Thoughts raced through my mind, hoping that only CBD was present and questioning whether I had any additional weed in my bag. A few minutes later, the test results would determine my fate, either leaving with everyone on the bus to Paris or facing a harsh fine.

The Brochure and the Veterinarian Medicine Connection:

In an intriguing turn of events, the first officer stumbled upon a brochure about medical cannabis and its combination with veterinarian medicine. He shared this discovery with his colleagues, and it became a moment of amusement amidst the otherwise serious situation. Taking the opportunity, I proudly explained in French that my dog also receives CBD upon the recommendation of his vet, sparking a brief connection with the officers.

The Harsh Stance on Cannabis and the Hope for Change:

Engaging in conversation with the humorous police officer, I questioned why such a small quantity of weed—2 or 3 grams—was considered a significant issue when the French government had supposedly adopted a less harsh approach. He admitted that he didn’t have an answer and emphasized that he was merely doing his job. I expressed my belief that as more countries were legalizing cannabis, France would eventually have to face the reality of changing perspectives. Surprisingly, the officer revealed his hope that cannabis wouldn’t be legalized, jokingly adding that it would render their jobs unnecessary. We shared a laugh, but deep down, I wished for a more meaningful use of their time and resources.

The Relief of CBD Test Results and the Unresolved Issue of Magic Mushrooms:

The moment of truth arrived as the first test results came in, confirming the presence of only CBD in my cannabis. Relief washed over me, realizing that luck had been on my side. However, the boss lady, clearly frustrated by this outcome, declared that they wouldn’t let me go without any consequences. She focused her attention on the alleged magic mushrooms, insisting that they posed a problem. I professed my innocence, suggesting they should conduct a test to confirm if they were indeed magic mushrooms.

The Demand for Payment and the Silly Conversation:

To my surprise, the boss lady demanded that I pay for the testing, and if I refused, I would be required to accompany them. Considering I had tickets for a contemporary dance theater show that evening, I didn’t want to let them ruin my plans. Reluctantly, I handed over 50 Euros, pondering the absurdity of the situation. “It’s crazy how we’re dealing with a few organic plant materials,” I remarked. In response, the boss lady equated it to heroin or cocaine, a statement I chose not to engage further on, recognizing the lack of distinction some officers make between these substances.

A Broader Fight and Mixed Emotions:

As I settled back on the bus, mixed emotions consumed me. On one hand, I felt fortunate that they hadn’t discovered my THC weed, escaping a potentially harsher penalty. On the other hand, the confiscation of my magic mushrooms and the entire encounter compelled me to contemplate a broader fight. I realized that justice-wise, there was no difference between shrooms and cannabis. These natural, organic healing plants should no longer remain prohibited, and the people who use them shouldn’t be targeted as criminals. This fight extends to other substances like MDA and beyond.

A Broader Fight:

Seated once again in the bus, a mix of emotions overcame me. Relief washed over me as my THC-laden weed remained undiscovered, but frustration gnawed at me for the loss of my mushrooms. In that moment, my identity as a cannabis advocate crystallized further. I realized that this was not just about cannabis but about the broader fight for justice and the normalization of natural substances. The arbitrary classification of substances and the targeting of those who use them must come to an end.

Wanna know more?

This battle extends to substances currently labeled as ‘illegal,’ such as MDA and beyond. When these substances exhibit scientifically-proven healing potential and are naturally occurring (as is the case with psychedelic mushrooms), how can society justify their illegality, especially when they pose no harm to individuals or others, unlike alcohol?

For those unfamiliar with the potential of psychedelic mushrooms, I wholeheartedly recommend exploring Michael Pollan’s enlightening series on Netflix, ‘How to Change Your Mind,’ or ‘Magic Medicine,’ also on Netflix. These documentaries offer a fascinating journey into the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, as explored by dedicated scientists

Looking Ahead:

As I bid farewell to the friendly officer, who, to my surprise, declined my offer of CBD weed, I knew that this encounter had left a mark on all of us involved. It was a reminder that our battle for the normalization of natural substances is far from over. Until we can freely consume, possess, and travel with these organic, unprocessed substances, our world remains in a state of imbalance. Let us strive for change, fight for justice, and reclaim the inherent rights we possess to explore the healing properties of our earth’s offerings.

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