Empower Change Through Your Choice!

At Plant Purpose we are dedicated to diverse cinematic endeavors that inspire positive transformations. Our projects cover a wide range of important topics, from groundbreaking medicinal research, to RSO and cancer patients to sustainable initiatives like hempcrete construction, and captivating political adventures focusing on Cannabis social clubs in Germany, with insights from best practices in Spain.

Now, it’s your turn to make a difference. Your support is invaluable! You have the power to shape the course of our cinematic journey and help us bring each of our ongoing projects to a successful release. Click on the project box to discover more information and access the donation link. 

Moreover, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to donors who contribute €42 or more. For their generosity, we offer the opportunity to have their name displayed in the credits as a special thank you.

  • [High % THC Oil] – Medicinal Research for Cancer Patients
  • [Hempcrete] – Sustainable Hempcrete Construction
  • [Cannabis Social Clubs] – What Germany can learn from the Spanish model
  • [Woman & Cannabis] – Why it’s a perfect fit
  • [Web Series] – The Multiverse of Cannabis

Your contribution will help us bring these important stories to life and create a brighter future. Join us in shaping the narrative and driving positive change in the world.

Make your choice and click on the project box to learn more and donate!

Web Doc Series

Hemp Doc

Cannabis Woman

High % THC Oil


Cannabis Social Clubs

Assist us in completing our planned projects by providing financial support to cover the costs of organization, filming, and post-production! Your contribution can help accelerate the release of the project you choose.
As a gesture of gratitude, all individual patrons who contribute $42 or more towards our funding goals will be acknowledged in the credits of the final release.
If you represent a corporate entity interested in supporting our mission, please refer to the sponsor section for further information.

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